Work Experience

Cloud Native Computing Foundation - Buildpacks

Sept 2021 - Today
LFX Mentee with Buildpacks

Skills: Golang, Docker, OCI Images

Selected for The Linux Foundation Mentorship programme under CNCF with the Buildpacks project. Working on Cloud Native Buildpacks, that transforms the application source code into images(without Dockerfile) that can run on any cloud. As a part of the mentorship program, main task would be to update the builder implementation to newly spec’d Builder in Pack, CLI for cloud native buildpacks.

The task would be to improve the existing builder spec and change the Pack CLI to conform to the new specs. Secondly, it would also involve documenting the changes.

Google Summer of Code’21 - CERN-HSF

June 2021 - August 2021
Student Developer with CERN-HSF File Storage Team

Skills: Golang, gRPC, Build-Systems

Worked on a distributed interoperability platform, Reva which connects storage and application endpoints, empowering a resource-sharing mesh across multiple cloud providers. As a part of the summer program, main task was to add support for runtime plugin ecosystem in the existing architecture, which would streamline the development experience at CERN. Performed Benchmarking and comparative analysis of various open source Go plugin systems and selected the best framework suited for the use-case.

Migrated the existing build-time in-memory drivers/plugins to runtime paradigm using the hashicorp go-plugin system. Along with the technical implementation, also created documentation and plugin manual for plugin developers at CERN.

Ahmedabad University

Oct 2019 - March 2020
Web Developer

Skills: HTML5, CSS, JavaScript

Designed, Developed and Deployed the Annual Tech Fest website for School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Ahmedabad University using HTML5, CSS and JavaScript which saw a traffic of more than 800 students.

Essar Steel India Ltd.

June 2019 - July 2019 IT-Intern

Skills: SAP CRM, Salesforce CRM, Powerpoint

Worked with the Information Technology and Sales team at Essar Corporate office in Hazira, Surat. Was responsible for researching and providing in-depth analysis and comparitive study of Customer Relationship Systems. Studied and presented detailed analysis of Salesforce and SAP CRM Softwares.


School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Ahmedabad University

July 2018 - May 2022

B.Tech in Information and Communication Technology
Current GPA: 3.21/4.00

Essar International School, Surat


All India Senior School Certificate Examination under Central Board of Secondary Education.
Score: 94.6%

Essar International School, Surat


All India Secondary School Examination under Central Board of Secondary Education.
CGPA: 10/10



AWS Serverless based Note taking Web Application
Personal Project
Tech: ReactJS, Node.js, AWS-Serverless

Designed, Developed and Deployed a simple full-stack note taking web application. Developed front-end using React.js and deployed it using Netlify CI/CD. Developed back-end in Node.js with the help of the AWS-Serverless framework. Implemented CRUD APIs (Create, Read, Update, Delete) with CI/CD pipeline and two different environments. (dev & prod)


Service Mesh for Kubernetes
Open Source
Tech: Golang, Kubernetes

Open Source contributor to Linkerd project, successfully merged upto 4 Pull Requests into the production branch. Introduced identity CLI Command to fetch tls-certificates for the deployed kubernetes pods. Added support for custom registries in the Linkerd Helm Chart. Was also nominated for the Linkerd Community Hero of the Month for all the contributions.

Twitter Sentiment Analysis

Machine Learning Project
Tech: Python3, Natural Language Processing, Sci-kit Learn, Naive Bayesian

Developed a highly robust tweet classifier capable of classifying tweets into positive and negative sentiments, potentially detecting depression. Implemented the Naive Bayesian Classifier from scratch to classify the tweets. Implemented the TF-IDF algorithm from scratch to vectorize the tweets. Achieved model accuracy of 80% using the Naive Bayesian Classifier.

Expense Manager

Personal Project Tech: ReactJS, Node.js, ExpressJS, MongoDB

Developed a full stack “MERN” based expense managing application, which allows user to perform CRUD operations on their expenses, with interactive pie charts and histograms to visualize expenses efficiently.

Teaching Experience

Teaching Assistant, CSE-332: Operating Systems

Monsoon Semester, 2021

Responsibilities included taking laboratory and tutorial session for the students, and setting and checking lab assignments.

Positions of Responsibility

  • Project Mentor, AU Website Making Competition: Mentored and judged Ahmedabad University undergraduate students in the AU Website Making Competetion.
  • Speaker, AU Website Making Competition 2.0: Gave a talk on JavaScript as a part of the AU WMC 2.0.